As Movember comes to a close....

Dear Friends,
As Movember comes to a close, and I prepare to shave, I hope that my mustache has reminded you (or the men in your life) to schedule your annual physicals! Mental Health has also become a growing / dominant cause for Movember, and my WHY has evolved too! So… I hope my mustache also now reminds you to reach out to your friends more often, and to check-in (for yourself and for them), because, as Ringo sang… I get by with a little help from my friends!
Love & Hugs,

I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends.. The Beatles
Click & give it a listen for a smile… and please call me anytime!

Giving Tuesday Gift Match

While helping the team reach $1 million in lifetime fundraising, which we accomplished, I find myself at the top of the Individual Leaderboard again. As you may know, I was the individual in the US who raised the MOst MOney (AKA… The MOMO) for 9 years (2009-2017). Since 2017, I have focused on raising AWARENESS, rather than FUNDS, but now that I’m currently leading again, I’ve decided to make one MO push for 10x MOMO. So…. I’m asking for your help to get me there again, and what better time than Giving Tuesday?

Starting at 9AM PST today, Movember has a Gift Match from a generous donor who will give $25 for any donation of $25 or more (max of $110,000).
This will likely only last until 10AM PST, so….
I hope that you will consider supporting me, Movember and Men’s Health one MO time (financially)!
And next year… I’m going back to raising AWARENESS!

We did it….
Our Cornhole Tournament was a success,
and we’ve raised over $1 million since 2009!
Movember Article

- Testicular Cancer - Read More
The most common cancer in young American men.
- Prostate Cancer - Read More
1 in 8 men in the US will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
- Mental Health & Suicide Prevention - Read More
Globally, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day

The bottom line…. Schedule your annual appointments TODAY!

Photo Courtesy of Brent Broza

Our Sponsors

The Walsh Family - Tournament
Jen Caskey Group - Hat
KGM Architectural Lighting Hat - Hat
Ace Handyman - Court
CalPrivate Bank - Court
Impact Capital Partners - Court
Surgical West - Court
AussieK - Banner
Blue Horizon Logistics - Banner
Eberlestock - Banner
Leanor Financial - Banner
SiliconBay.LA - Banner
StrandHill / O’Hanlons - Banner
The Beehive - Banner
Wrights MB - Banner
Wedbush Securities - Banner
The Courtneys - Banner
Hamilton-McIntire Group Banner
The Tatums - Banner
The Viklunds - Banner

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